Cloudar, a short recap…

Posted in AWS Blog
24/01/2017 Bart Van Hecke

Today, exactly 2 years ago, Senne Vaeyens and myself hired Ben Bridts as our first employee at Cloudar.
What started out as a great idea transformed into a solid business model and shaped Cloudar as the company it is today. With 15 dedicated full-time engineers on the payroll we are now able to provide first class support and advice in AWS.
Trusted by many customers (from startups to large enterprises), we have proven our expertise in Amazon Web Services, DevOps and Managed Services along the way and we’re planning to take this to an ever higher level in 2017.
In 2017 we will:
– Grow our business and keep on extending the team (feel free to contact me if you would like to join)
– Take our solid partnership with AWS to the next level
– Establish more vendor partnerships with AWS Technology Partners
– Extend our customer base
– Obtain several AWS competences, including the AWS Managed Services, DevOps and Big Data Competences.
– Improve customer service and provide top-notch AWS support and expertise to our customers
– Explore new markets and technologies

All of this wouldn’t be possible without the help of our great team, so please join me in giving a big thumbs up for the entire Cloudar Team.

If anyone would like to know more about the services Cloudar can provide to you as a customer, feel free to drop me an mail at or send me a PM.



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