The Cloudar FinOps Review brings together all of Cloudar’s experience as an AWS partner for many businesses over the years. Through four pillars, we assess 115 criteria to improve upon in order to pay less and achieve more. For each criteria we provide concrete action points to start improving AWS cloud posture right away.
Taking control of the balance between your cloud cost and the business value achieved is challenging. Cloud Financial Management is a detailed, complex discipline that requires people to collaborate with stakeholders across their organization. Most of reviews on the market today offer to assess how well you implement their flavor of FinOps and their framework. We on the other hand, want to assess how and where you can improve your own concrete FinOps practice. Our tool is based on nearly a decade of AWS experience, numerous green-field set-ups, migrations, optimizations, custom development tracks and more.
The Cloudar FinOps Review incorporates our own lessons learned and experience, ensuring that our questions and criteria are paired with no-nonsense, actionable measures that let you start optimizing directly. Even better, Cloudar can give you a hand: we have the knowledge and resources to back up your implementation and optimization track. With over 100+ AWS certifications, we deliver quality work and always strive for excellence.